Board Of Directors
While Rockwood Preparatory Academy is a public school, we are operated by a private non-profit organization (KNOVA Learning Oregon) and are governed by a private Board of Directors. Our volunteer board members provide fiscal oversight, establish organizational policy, adopt the RPA annual budget, and hire/support/evaluate the Executive Director. We are ever grateful for their ongoing commitment and sacrifices on behalf of our school community.

Board Chair - Dr. Jerome Fladoos
Retired, Dr. Fladoos has helped thousands of patients in East County since beginning his practice in 1976. While a chiropractic physician by trade, Dr. Fladoos has been a long-time champion of school choice. As a founding board member of Mastery Learning Institute (Arthur Academy) Dr. Fladoos was instrumental in establishing the region’s first highly-effective charter schools. As a founding board member of RPA/KNOVA Learning, Jerome (“Jerry”) brings leadership, wisdom, direction, and passion to help RPA reach its mission.
Director Preston Salami
Born and raised in Portland, Preston Salami and his wife Tara are raising two teenage daughters. Preston has worked in Portland's banking community for the past 25 years and is currently Branch Manager at OnPoint Community Credit Union. Preston has volunteered locally with programs like SMART, GREAT, and DARE. " I am looking forward to working with the Rockwood prep board, I believe my skill sets, contacts, and lifelong commitment to youth, will be an asset to the Rockwood prep board."

Director Ana Weakland
As a long-time RPA parent and community advocate, Ana Weakland brings a wealth of energy, and insight to the RPA board. Ana works for Multnomah County and has earned certifications as a Community Health Specialist and Return to Work Specialist. Ana holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Programming. She brings an understanding of trauma-informed practices that affect individuals and communities served by RPA. Ana is fluent in English, Spanish, and Mayan.

Director Tina Long
One of the school's founders, Tina Long is currently the Superintendent of Exalt Education in Little Rock Arkansan. She is an invaluable source of ground-level teaching experience that she has accumulated since early in her career as a successful teacher at the Arthur Academies. Her knowledge of (and experience with) all aspects of Direct Instruction make Tina a uniquely valuable resource to RPA staff.

Director Pete Kurzenhauser
A retired Naval Commander and National Security Officer, Pete Kurzenhauser is passionate about improving public education and the "charter school movement" in particular. A recent transplant from the east coast, Pete (semi-retired) is a private capital investor and brings vast knowledge regarding finance, facility maintenance, and long-term strategic planning to board deliberations.
Director Catherine Nicewood

Catherine Nicewood has as big a heart for the Rockwood neighborhood as anyone. As long-time President of the Rockwood Neighborhood Association, Catherine represents Rockwood on several relevant committees at the City of Gresham. Catherine brings a unique understanding of our community and its history to board deliberations. Director Nicewood's courageous, insightful, and selfless leadership is an inspiration to everyone she touches. Catherine is active in a myriad of community-based activities in service of our community.
Director Angie Lindland

Angie Lindland, along with her husband Matt, are longtime owners/operators of Team Quest MMA in Rockwood. Angie has watched for years as the Rockwood community has become increasingly challenged. Serving the community, Angie worked with RPA principals to establish a very successful after-school program last year. Angie is committed to re-doubling her service to kids through service on the KNOVA Learning Oregon BOD.

RPA/KNOVA Learning Oregon, Executive DIrector - John Nelsen
A lifelong Oregonian, John Nelsen and his wife Vicky raised their four children in the Rockwood Community. All attended neighborhood public schools. That experience led to a thirty-year career as an educational leader in our community. John's experiences range from serving ten years on the Reynold School District Board of Directors (including five years in leadership), founding board chair of Arthur Academy public charter schools, past board member of Multnomah Learning Academy, and being director of various federal education projects at local colleges and intermediate educational agencies.